Thursday, December 06, 2007

A Twitter in Time ...

I love the tech stuff, but I don't get it all ... Facebook, MySpace, and just today I heard about CyWorld and something for kids called Club Penguin. And then there's Twitter. Tonight at the South River Library was a real Twitter moment. The simple question that Twitter poses is: What are you doing right now? For many of our folks, the answer might start ... "I'm at the Library ..."

Dawn, our Children's Librarian extraordinaire, held an audience of children captive with her storytelling as you can see in the photo above. (I'm beginning to think that she's part elf herself.) They were waiting to go downstairs to see Mrs. Klaus, who was going to entertain them next. And from the happy sounds that are wafting up the staircase to my office, I think Mrs. Klaus is holding her own.

Upstairs the Scouts were holding a meeting to be followed by the Book Discussion group.

And in between were patrons doing normal, everyday library activities - reading the newspaper (although that may have been challenging under the circumstances), browsing for books, using our public access computers, and playing games on the children's computers.

The tutor and her student peeked upstairs in the Loft looking for a quieter spot, but alas that spot too, was taken by library staff working on projects. Other staff members were decking the halls walls with greenery in honor of the holiday season.

I just wanted to share with you this special moment in time at the Library, and take an opportunity to say Thank You for your support ... the best measure of which is your use of our resources and programs.

A very Happy Holiday to all.